Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.

M4 Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation

Title: Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.Author: Minatogawa, Vinicius, Matheus Franco, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Maria Holgado, Diego Garrido, Hernan Pinto, and Ruy QuadrosYear: 2022Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:The aim of the article is to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn […]

Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Spain

M4 Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple Layered Business Model Canva

Title: Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in SpainAuthor: Mili, S.; Loukil, T.Year: 2023Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:This research explores new approaches for transitioning toward more sustainable business models in the Spanish fruit and vegetable industry using the Triple Layered Business Model […]