European Business Review
Title: European Business ReviewAuthor:Year:Type of resource: Online GuideShort description: A comprehensive online guide providing insights into European business strategies.Copyright:External link
Title: StrategyzerAuthor:Year:Type of resource: InteractiveShort description: An online platform for creating and visualizing business models using the Business Model Canvas.Copyright:External link
SWOT Analiza
Title: SWOT AnalyzerAuthor:Year:Type of resource: SoftwareShort description: A software tool for conducting SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for strategic planning.Copyright:External link
Povzetek konference projekta REBUILT!
Velika hvala vsem, ki ste se nam pridružili na zadnji konferenci projekta REBUILT! To je bil neverjeten dan, poln spoznanj, navdiha in skupne zavezanosti gradnji trajnostne prihodnosti. To je bil neverjeten dan navdiha in sodelovanja, ki je združil strastne posameznike, zavezane gradnji trajnostne prihodnosti.
Izšel je bilten REBUILT št. 2!
Preberite ga tukaj in se ne pozabite vpisati v naš spletni tečaj MOOC!
Tečaji REBUILT MOOC so končno na voljo v angleškem, frenckem grškem, slovenskem, bolgarskem in danskem jeziku!
The REBUILT MOOC courses are finally available in in English, Greek, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Danish! Enroll Now and start Learning!! And do not worry the MOOC will be available for 5 years after the completion of the REBUILT project on 27th February 2024. So, the platform will be online and running till 27th February 2029. Start [...]
Izšel je prvi informativni bilten projekta REBUILT!
Preberite ga tukaj! Na voljo je v angleščini, francoščini grščini, slovenščini , bolgarščini in danščini!
REBUILT Multiplier dogodki po vsem svetu!
Partnerji projekta REBUILT so v letu 2023 imeli svoje dogodke Multiplier, s katerimi so širili znanje o projektu REBUILT na terenu in na spletu. Multiplikativni dogodki, ki so potekali med projektom: - 1. maj 2023, Danska, na kraju samem pri UCL - 23. maj 2023, Grčija, na spletu, ki ga je izvedla Egejska univerza - [...]
Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.
Title: Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.Author: Minatogawa, Vinicius, Matheus Franco, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Maria Holgado, Diego Garrido, Hernan Pinto, and Ruy QuadrosYear: 2022Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:The aim of the article is to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn […]
Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Spain
Title: Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in SpainAuthor: Mili, S.; Loukil, T.Year: 2023Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:This research explores new approaches for transitioning toward more sustainable business models in the Spanish fruit and vegetable industry using the Triple Layered Business Model […]
A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options in the socio-economic and environmental sectors
Title: A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options in the socio-economic and environmental sectorsAuthor: Asif RaihanYear: 2023Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:This review examines global socio-economic and environmental climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options. It discusses the need for global cooperation and government involvement […]