Εύρεση, Ανάλυση και Βελτίωση των Μοντέλων Απεικόνισης Eπιχειρησιακών Διαδικασιών με τη χρήση ProM
Title: Εύρεση, Ανάλυση και Βελτίωση των Μοντέλων Απεικόνισης Eπιχειρησιακών Διαδικασιών με τη χρήση ProM
Author: Anna A. Kalenkova1 , Massimiliano de Leoni2 , and Wil M.P. van der Aalst2,1
Year: 2024
Type of Resource: International Journal
Copyright: Open Journal
Short Description:
Process mining techniques relate observed behavior to modeled behavior, e.g., the automatic discovery of a process model based on an event log. Process mining is not limited to process discovery and also includes conformance checking and model enhancement. Conformance checking techniques are used to diagnose the deviations of the observed behavior as recorded in the event log from some process model. Model enhancement allows to extend process models using additional perspectives, conformance and performance information. In recent years, BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) 2.0 has become a de facto standard for modeling business processes in industry. This paper presents the BPMN support current in ProM. ProM is the most known and used open-source process mining framework. ProM’s functionalities of discovering, analyzing and enhancing BPMN models are discussed. Support of the BPMN 2.0 standard will help ProM users to bridge the gap between formal models (such as Petri nets, causal nets and others) and process models used by practitioners. Copyright 2014 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
External link: (PDF) Discovering, analyzing and enhancing BPMN models using ProM (researchgate.net)