Европейски бизнес преглед


Title: European Business ReviewAuthor:Year:Type of resource: Online GuideShort description: A comprehensive online guide providing insights into European business strategies.Copyright:External link



Title: StrategyzerAuthor:Year:Type of resource: InteractiveShort description: An online platform for creating and visualizing business models using the Business Model Canvas.Copyright:External link

SWOT анализатор


Title: SWOT AnalyzerAuthor:Year:Type of resource: SoftwareShort description: A software tool for conducting SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for strategic planning.Copyright:External link

Рекапитулация на конференцията по проекта REBUILT!


Големи благодарности на всички, които се присъединиха към нас на последната конференция на проекта REBUILT! Това беше един невероятен ден, изпълнен с прозрения, вдъхновение и споделен ангажимент за изграждане на устойчиво бъдеще. Това беше невероятен ден, изпълнен с вдъхновение и сътрудничество, който събра на едно място страстни личности, ангажирани с изграждането на устойчиво бъдеще.

Излезе бюлетинът на REBUILT no3!

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Прочетете го тук и не пропускайте да се информирате за нашите постижения!

Излезе Информационен бюлетин №2 на REBUILT!

Ν2 - 1

Прочетете го тук и не забравяйте да се запишете в нашия онлайн MOOC курс!

МООК курсовете на REBUILT най-накрая са достъпни на английски, френски гръцки, словенски, български и датски език!

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The REBUILT MOOC courses are finally available in in English, Greek, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Danish! Enroll Now and start Learning!! And do not worry the MOOC will be available for 5 years after the completion of the REBUILT project on 27th February 2024. So, the platform will be online and running till 27th February 2029. Start [...]

Излезе Информационният бюлетин на REBUILT № 1!

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Прочетете го тук! Той е достъпен на английски, френски гръцки, словенски , български и датски език!

Събитията на REBUILT Multiplier по целия свят!

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Партньорите на REBUILT през 2023 г. проведоха своите Multiplier събития, за да разпространят знанието за проекта REBUILT на място и онлайн. Събитията Multiplier, които се проведоха по време на проекта: - 1 май 2023 г., Дания, на място от Университетския колеж - 23 май 2023 г., Гърция, онлайн от Егейския университет - 26 май 2023 [...]

Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.

M4 Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation

Title: Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation.Author: Minatogawa, Vinicius, Matheus Franco, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Maria Holgado, Diego Garrido, Hernan Pinto, and Ruy QuadrosYear: 2022Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:The aim of the article is to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn […]

Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Spain

M4 Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple Layered Business Model Canva

Title: Enhancing Sustainability with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas: Insights from the Fruit and Vegetable Industry in SpainAuthor: Mili, S.; Loukil, T.Year: 2023Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:This research explores new approaches for transitioning toward more sustainable business models in the Spanish fruit and vegetable industry using the Triple Layered Business Model […]

A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options in the socio-economic and environmental sectors

M3 A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation strategies

Title: A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options in the socio-economic and environmental sectorsAuthor: Asif RaihanYear: 2023Type of Resource: Research ArticleCopyright: Open Article Short Description:This review examines global socio-economic and environmental climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation options. It discusses the need for global cooperation and government involvement […]